Strength & Learning Through Horses (SLTH) Financial Support Bursary Application Form 

If you are at all unsure about filling in this form or need any support to do so, please do not hesitate to email or call our landline on 020 8440 4952.

This form should be completed by parent/carer if you applying for a young person under 18 years. If the young person is 18 years or over it may be more appropriate for the young person to complete it themselves. 

SLTH do not intend for the bursary application process to be off-putting and we ideally do not want money to be a barrier to any young person accessing our services. However, we do have many young people who would be absolutely unable to access our services without bursary funding. We hope you understand that we may need to ask some personal questions about your financial situation as part of this process, so that we can ensure that our limited funding reaches the families that need it most.

We ask that you are honest in your responses – please don’t cause yourself financial stress by saying you can pay more than you can actually afford, but please also don’t cause others financial stress by saying you can pay less than you can actually afford. We expect families to treat SLTH sessions as essential mental health or educational services, rather than as a luxury. We expect education provisions and/or Local Authorities to apply for EHCPs or other statutory funding where appropriate. We are unable to provide long-term bursary support for young people who should be in receipt of statutory funding.

In a situation where SLTH receives applications for more bursary support than the organisation has funding for, some bursary applications may need to be prioritised over others. Priority will be given to young people where:

  • Clinical or educational need is highest

  • A professional is able to confirm the young person’s level of need

  • Our services have not previously been accessed, OR our services have been accessed and practitioners can provide sufficient evidence that ongoing work would very likely continue to significantly benefit the young person

Your application may be processed faster if you are able to include relevant evidence of financial need, although we understand that not everyone will be able to provide this. SLTH may request additional evidence at any stage of the bursary application process.

Examples of helpful evidence of financial need include:

  • A social worker or other suitable professional emailing us outlining your financial situation

  • A universal credit or income support letter for all parents who are financially supporting the young person

  • A statement confirming that your family has recently been given food bank vouchers

  • An email from the young person’s school or college confirming that an EHCP has been applied for with details of why SLTH services cannot be funded via an EHCP

  • A statement confirming that DLA or PIP payments are being used for another essential service

  • A statement confirming of the combined income of all parents who are supporting the young person

  • Evidence that the young person is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child

Section 1: Below are the current session prices, split into weekday and weekend tables for Strength & Learning Through Horses Services

Session type (Weekday) COST PER SESSION (sessions are normally booked in blocks of 6 – 12 weeks)
Assessment £220
1-1 Therapy session £220
Family therapy session £275
Therapeutic Education session £120
Session type (Weekend) COST PER SESSION (sessions are normally booked in blocks of 6 – 12 weeks)
Assessment £275
1-1 Therapy session £275
Family therapy session £340
Therapeutic Education session £150